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Umbuthano wokucobelelana ngamasuqhinga okuthuthukisaIMG-20210427-WA0005

iDumbe nokusebenza wezimali
Izinsuku: 19 – 21 April 2021

Yiziphi izinselelo iDumbe elibhekene nazo: Mhlonishwa Meya – Cllr SJ Mavuso
UMeya uqale ngokuthi umsebenzi omkhulu womkhandlu ukuhambisa intuthuko kubantu hhayi
ukudala amadala amathuba emisebenzi noma ukuqasha abantu. UMeya ube esencoma
ukubambisana kwamaKhansela kusukela aqala ukusebenza ngonyaka we-2016, kuMandulo.
Izinqumo ziyathathwa nakuba iqembu elubusayo lilangana namaqembu aphikisayo. Phakathi
kwezinselelo ezikhona ubalule lezi ezilandelayo:

  •  Umphakathi awuthuthukile ngakwezomnotho namabhizinisi ngokohlelo lwe LED (Local
    Economic Development).
  •  Uma umuntu engangena ku-website yomkhandlu i-LED ayisho lutho ngezinhlelo
    zokuthuthukisa iDumbe.
  •  Kukhona izindawo ezahlonzeka ukuthi kungenziwa ezokumbiwa phansi (izimayini),
    kodwa akukho osekwaqala kwenziwa ngalokho.IMG-20210427-WA0004
  •  Indawo yaseDumbe inomhlaba onama-hector angaphezulu kuka-1000
    ongasetshenziswayo, kodwa kunamantu abaningi abangasebenzi okungabe
    kusungulwa noma nje ifemu eyodwa esebenza amaplandwe.
  •  Ukwakhiwa kwenxanxathela yezitolo kungenzeka kodwa kuzosiza ngani abantu
    abaningi bengasebenzi eDumbe.
  •  Enye inselelo ngeyokuthi iDumbe linomlando omuhle kakhulu ongaveli kodwa kwi-
    website yomkhandlu. Amanzi abilayo ase-Natal Spar atholwa ngubaba wakwaSibiya,
    ithuna lendlovukazi uMkabayi lingaphansi kwendawo yaseDumbe. uVeze nokuthi wake
    wafikelwa ngumcabango wokuthi uma kungashintshwa igama lomkhandlu ubizwe
    ngokuthi uMkabayi Municipality.
  •  Okunye akuphawulile ukuthi umkhandlu waseDumbe unezinhlelo ozenzayo ukulekelela
    abafundi ukuze babhalise ezikhungweni eziphezulu zemfundo, nezinye izinhlelo
    zomphakathi. Ube esecela ukuthi zivele ku-website yomkhandlu.
    Esephetha uMeya uthe kunaphathiswa beminyango kaHulumeni wesifundazwe abezibophezela
    ukuletha intuthuko eDumbe, phakathi kwabo okuNdunankulu uSihle Zikalala wesenzaIMG-20210427-WA0009
    esenguNqonqose wakwaTourism, noNqonqoshe uPeggy Nkonyeni, noNqonqoshe ongasekho
    emhlabeni uNtuli.

Ngalawomazwi noma isikhathi salamaKhansela sesizophela kodwa izinselelo ziseziningi
emaKhanseleni asazolandela.
Inkulumo kaMnumzane Nhlanhla Mtaka
UMnumzane uMtaka ube esechazela amaKhansela ngokubaluleka kokwenziwa kwe-IDP
(Integrated Development Plan) ne-Budget ukuthi ifanele ukukhuluma nqo ngezindaba
zaseDumbe, futhi kuyiwe kubantu ukuyozwa kubo ukuthi bafunani. Ube esefundisa ngokuthi indlela imikhandlu ehlolwa ngayo ukuthi iyasebenza kanjani kusetshenziswa uhlelo okuthiwa yi-PESTEL. I-PESTEL imele lokhu: Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Environment, Legal:

  •  Political – Ngabe ipolitiki imi kanjani emkhandlwini
  •  Economic – Yini ekhuphula umnotho wendawo
  •  Social – inhlalo yabantu injani ngaphansi komkhandlu
  •  Technology – Ngabe ezoxhumana nobuchwebeshe zikahle yiniIMG-20210427-WA0012
  •  Environment – Isimo sokuguquguquka kwemvelo, nezinhlekelele ezenzekayo
    ziyiphazamisa kangakanani indawo
  •  Legal – Ngabe ama-record nezinkontileka ezenziwa nabasebenzisana nomkhandlu
    aphathwa kahle yini, nokuthi ama-projects aqedwa ngesikhathi yini ukuze kungagcini
    kuboshwa umkhandlu.

Amakhansela nabasebezi babe sebephawula ngezinselelo ezikhona emkhandlwini ngokwesimo
senhlalo nokwenziwa kwama-projects, nokunye. Okuphawuleke kakhulu ukuthi nakuba zikhona
izinselelo kodwa ngokubambisana kwamaKhansela kuyasebenzeka.
Izethulo zabavela kwa-Cogta
UMnumzane Moya no..benza izethulo zokuthi iDumbe lingasizakala kanjani baqondana
nokuthola umbiko ongcono (Clean Audit)besukela embikweni (report) ovela kwa AG (Auditor
General). Kwaphinde futhi kwangena uMnumzane.. naye wenza izethulo maqondana
nokuqoqwa kwama Ratesngumkhandlu (MPRA support rates).
Workshop for the SDBIP (Service Delivery and Budget ImplementationIMG-20210427-WA0010

Plan) Strategic Plan
Dates: 19 -21 April 2021

What challenges does the municipality have: Hon. Mayor – Cllr SJ Mavuso
The main mandate of the municipality is to do service delivery to the community, it is not to
employ people or create job opportunities. The Hon. Mayor made a token of appreciation to the
Councillors for working cooperatively since the assumption of the office in September 2016.
Thus, the Council could successfully take resolutions although it is a hung Council. Among the
challenges the municipality has, the Hon. Mayor cited the following:

  •  People are not empowered to grow eDumbe economy and to create business
    opportunities through LED (Local Economic Development) programmes.
  •  If a person from anywhere in world can visit municipal website there is nothing attractive
    in terms of LED at eDumbe.
  •  There were areas identified for the establishment of minerals production (i.e. mines) but
    until today no processes have been initiated.
  •  EDumbe has more than 1000 ha land which is underutilised, but there are no firms
    established in the area which can employ a numerous number of people.
  •  Building of shopping complex structure can be possible to erupt but the bigger challenge
    is large number of unemployment in whole area of eDumbe.
  •  The municipal website is silent about tourism whereas eDumbe is very rich in terms
    history. The Hon. Mayor echoed that sometimes he had idea that the Municipality’s
    name be changed to Mkabayi Municipality which could hold the heritage of eDumbe.
  •  There are other programmes the municipality is doing such as registering students at
    tertiary institutions, and many more. He has then requested that these programmes be
    published on the municipal website.

In his conclusion the Hon. Mayor stated that the MECs Ms Peggy Nkonyeni, premier of
KwaZulu-Natal, Hon. S Zikalala who and the MEC for Tourism, and late MEC Mr Ntuli have
committed implement development programmes including building the lacking infrastructure at
By these words I would like to emphasize that although the term of office for the current
councillors is about to end, but the councillors that will be elected to the office would have the
challenge to continue with these programmes.
Presentation by Mr Nhlanhla Mtaka
Mr Mtaka elaborated on the process of developing the IDP and Budget that it should involve the
people of eDumbe and talk directly to their needs. He also lectured the councillors that the
manner in which the functioning of the municipality is analysed is unique; the technique called
PESTEL is used. The PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Environment,

  •  Political —- How is the council arrangement
  •  Economic —- What feeds the economy
  •  Social —- Cohesion, stability etc.
  •  Technology —- Advancement tools vs. Men
  •  Environment —- Global warming, ecology, disasters
  •  Legal —- Contract management, failures, non completion of projects etc.

The councillors and the staff have then discussed around the PESTEL analysis brainstorming
on the challenges eDumbe is facing, where they touched on the implementation of projects and
many more. The councillors have appreciated that although the municipality has a hung council
but that does not negatively affect the decision making by Council.
Presentation by Cogta Representatives
The representative from Cogta Mr MP Moya and Mr Andre Delport made presentations on how
the municipality can work towards achieving the Clean Audit and how can it compile and
manage its PMS respectively, deducing from the qualification audit opinion from AG’s report for
2019/2020. Subsequent to that the KZN COGTA MPRA Project Team also made the
presentation on how the collection of rates can be improved (MPRA support rates) in the
