In South Africa

About 101 607 Population.

KwaZulu Natal

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Community Services

The Community Services Manager is responsible for the following

Community Services unit takes its mandate from the White Paper on Local Government, 1998 [Section B] as well as Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act. This is the unit that deals mainly with development of the community at a grass root level. The principles under which this department works are those of People Centred Development and Assets Based Development by applying Bottom up Approach to issues of development as well as adhering to Batho Pele Principles.

Sections of the Unit

The Community service unit is divided into the following sections: Administration [Director and Secretary to the Director]; Municipal Libraries; Youth and Sports; Poverty Alleviation; HIV / AIDS; Environmental office; Gender Desk and Women Empowerment; People with Disabilities; House of Traditional Leaders; Parks and Gardens; Cultural Activities, and Public Participation.

Departmental functionality oversight

In the 2017 / 2018 financial year Community services department was merged with Corporate services department to form one department called Corporate and Community Services department [as per the directive of the Delegations Framework, COGTA]. The Council committee that exist in this department is Corporate and Community Services Portfolio Committee. It is in this committee where departmental monthly and quarterly reports are tabled for consideration / information before they are taken to EXCO / Council for adoption.

The following is the Community development staff

Mr VB Mbatha
(Director of Corporate and Community Services)

(Manager Community Services)

Ms Nomusa Xaba
(Secretary Community Services)
