LED is responsible for the following
The Council of éDumbe Local Municipality through Local Economic Development (LED) Unit aims to enable local stakeholders to mutually devise and implement a development strategy which fully exploits local resources and capacities, and effectively utilise the area’s comparative advantages. It is also mandated to promote economic development; job creation, economic transformation and economic intelligence within the municipal area. It is guided by policies established by National and Provincial Government and articulates the approach to economic development through the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and an Local Economic Development Strategy (LEDS) from which all activities are guided by, but not restricted to, as the Unit also responds to the broader challenges facing the area by endorsing other initiatives such as the National LED Framework, South Africa New Growth Path, PGDS, ZDM LED Plan, SDF and other relevant pieces of legislation set to enhance economic development and transformation.
In our quest to improve economic status of éDumbe thus ensuring job creation and opportunities within the area, the following key strategic thrusts have been earmarked for future development:
1. Development of Agricultural Sector
2. Industrial Development
3. SMME Development
4. Tourism & Cultural Development
5. Human Resource Development
6. Trade and Commerce in the CBD
7. Develop local economic activities
The objectives of éDumbe Chamber of commerce are to:
· Provide a motivational platform for business people
· Be the voice of business for éDumbe
· Share knowledge and ideas to benefit member enterprise
· Assist and encourage mutual help between members
· Create and maintain a database of available skills in éDumbe
· Raise funds by subscription or any other lawful means
· Identify training and employment opportunities in éDumbe
· Promote commercial enterprise within its area of operation
The structure is fully functional however; there are challenges in attracting new members to join the chamber. The interim office bearers were elected until finalisation and adoption of the new constitution and Annual General Meeting where new leadership will be elected.
The overall functions of LED Unit includes but not limited to the following activities:

(Local Economic Development Manager)