The Library section is responsible for the following
The éDumbe Municipality has two libraries that the community members have access to free of charge, namely éDumbe Libraryand Paulpietersburg Library. They are both in Ward 3. The éDumbe library is at Emncelwini [township] and Paulpietersburg library is at the town. The éDumbe library is mostly used by the Zulu speaking clique, whilst the Paulpietersburg library is used by Whites, Afrikaners, Germans and the Zulu’s.
In the 2009 / 2010 financial year, a new function in the éDumbe Library was introduced is Cybarcadet funded by Provincial library Services. One employee was employed as the Library Computer Assistant. The services offered in this section are those of introduction to basic computer literacy and internet usage.
There is a diversity of information obtained in our Libraries whether be business or economic development related or religious, historic, etc. The data or information is obtainable through the books or CDs (e.g. Music and Movies). The clients can borrow items of interest for the maximum period of 3 months by just providing with the ID book, physical and postal address. In case of failure to return the item borrowed in due time or lost the client will be liable of paying a fine prescribed by the Municipality.

(Library Representative)