In South Africa

About 101 607 Population.

KwaZulu Natal

Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 16.00

Call us:  034-995 1650


Planing & Development

Planning and Development is responsible for the following

The planning and development departments’ primary function within the municipality is to regulate and control all development. The department is seen as a key role-player or contributor in developing the municipality and ensuring the municipality is constantly progressing. The planning and development department unit is involved in various projects assist the municipality to uplift and sustain development within its jurisdiction such as planning for future development of a shopping center and middle income housing as catalytic projects.

The department also supports a wide range of economic development programs that enables the municipality’s growth and sustainable development. The department is also responsible for executing the following functions:

  • Development of the IDP
  • Implementation of the LED
  • Promoting Tourism
  •  Managing spatial development projects
  • Facilitating development initiatives
  • Land Use Management
  • Enforcing developmental controls
  • Processing of building line relaxation applications provide building control services
  • Processing building plans application
  • Processing land development applications
  • Processing special consent and rezoning applications
  • Processing outdoor advertising applications
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Data capture and manipulation through GIS

Mr Shaka Cele
(Director Planning & Development)

Ms Selina Mkhanazi
(Secretary Planning & Development)
