In South Africa

About 101 607 Population.

KwaZulu Natal

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Corporate Services

Executive director is responsible for the following

Planning, Organising, Co-ordinating, Delegating and Control all the activities under Corporate department; Monitors that administration staff and resources is well managed by the Manager concerned; Ensures that Human Resource office services and Councillor’s administration and activities including meetings are well executed; Monitors that Information Technology services are well managed; Ensures efficiency and effectiveness of all the Committees belonging to this department e.g. Portfolio Committees, Ward Committees, Local Labour Forum, etc; Manage the departmental budget.


Manage Municipal policies and ensure they are developed and approved by the Council before they are implemented; With an assistance of the secretary manage the system of the day to day proceedings of the department, Assumes the duties delegated by the Municipal Manager for instance to represent Council at conferences or seminars.

Sections managed by the Director are: Administration, Human Resource Office, Information Technology.

The following is the administration staff members

Mr Vincent Mbatha
(Director Corporate Services)

Ms Nocawe Mkhize
(Secretary Corporate Services)
