CFO's responsible for the following
The CFO manages the financial activity of the Municipality of éDumbe to provide accurate and timely financial information for strategic planning, management and decision support to the Mayor, elected officials and general public.
The Municipality of éDumbe recognizes the importance of financial planning beyond the next budget year. The 2012/2013 One Year Financial Plan focuses on key issues related to present and future public services, financial policies and capital improvement and also presents options of addressing future financial requirements.
The 2012/2013 One Year Financial Plan begins with the Integrated Development Plan approved by the Council, Vision, Mission, Values and Goals. After a discussion of the local economy and historic financial trends, fiscal projections and potential strategies are presented.
Sections managed by the CFO
- Finance
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Budget
- Creditors
- Purchasing
- Revenue services
The following is the Finance staff members

Mr SGZ Sibiya
(Acting Chief Financial officer – CFO)

Mr BM Ndebele
(Manager SCM)

Ms Nobuhle Nkosi
(Secretary Finance)